Dear BAH Members:
The BAH BoD has recently appointed a Constitution review committee (CRC). No review or any amendments to the Bylaws were done in nearly ten years. Since, these Bylaws are our binding guidelines for management of all aspects of the organizational activities; their periodic changes are needed, based on the changes we experience and natural evolution of the process. The Bylaws also should lay foundation for future anticipated changes.
The CRC is just a body to review the whole process and required to recommend changes (to the BoD), based on best judgment, fairness and practicality. The changes can become reality only when a due amendment process, ratified duly by the members of the BAH, takes place. It is a lengthy but necessary process. The concerns, observations and suggestion from the general members are extremely important. The members are the true owner of this organization. CRC is committed to gather as much input possible from the members. In order to do that, CRC is soliciting comments and suggestions from the BAH members. Please fill out the form to express your comments. In addition, you can send e-mail to, call and leave message at (832) BAH-5860 or send fax to (713) 495-2833. In addition, the CRC plans to have a town hall meeting to listen to your comments. You are always welcome to discuss the issues with any of the CRC members. The whole process is designed for a maximum exposure to the issues and optimum participation from BAH members.
Please note that CRC will only gather your comments and will not be in a position to give an answer at this time. Also, please be aware all the suggestions may or may not get an action. But, the CRC will categorically ascertain that all the inputs will get due consideration.
To help the CRC categorize the inputs, CRC encourages you to look into the current Bylaws and make every effort to mention the relevant Article and section numbers in the Bylaws, which correspond to your comments and suggestions. The CRC strives to do an exhaustive, fair, and realistic evaluation of all the aspects provided in the Bylaws. So, please come forward and let your voice be heard through your comments. Talk, write, e-mail or attend the town hall meeting to give your comments and suggestions. Remember, such exhaustive evaluation is not practical very often. So, please help CRC to help BAH!
Constitution Review Committee Members
Dewan Aftab Ahmed, Chair
Afzal Ahmed, Secretary
Dr. S. S. Newaz, Member
Kallol Halder, Member
Azadul Haq, Member
E-mail to send comments:
Call and leave message at (832) BAH-5860
Fill out a paper form and hand over to any of the CRC member
Hand write and fax your comments to (713) 495-2833 

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